Crescem as conjecturas de que a crise no Vaticano desencadeada pelo levantamento das excomunhões dos bispos lefebvristas, e do "negacionismo" de um deles, foi desencadeada por problemas internos da cúria romana, especialmente o setor de comunicação. Assim nos diz Federico Lombardi, diretor da Sala de Imprensa do Vaticano, em entrevista no ZENIT. Magister também ressoa as palavras de Lombardi.
No The Tablet, David Willey afirma: "In three decades of covering Vatican matters, I have never seen a communications debacle comparable to the one that has arisen over Pope Benedict’s revoking of the excommunication decree handed down by 21 years ago by Pope John Paul II against the illegally consecrated bishops of the breakaway group led by the late Bishop Marcel Lefebvre."
No The Tablet, David Willey afirma: "In three decades of covering Vatican matters, I have never seen a communications debacle comparable to the one that has arisen over Pope Benedict’s revoking of the excommunication decree handed down by 21 years ago by Pope John Paul II against the illegally consecrated bishops of the breakaway group led by the late Bishop Marcel Lefebvre."
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